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IMPACT/Community Carbon Calculator

Dear Resident

The link will take you to IMPACT - https://impact-tool.org.uk/

This is a free resource developed by Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) in partnership with Exeter University. Two workshops were held online which Bayston Hill Parish Council participated in. There is information about IMPACT on the site and simply select Bayston Hill Parish Council  and you will be able to see how we currently impact the climate through our use of energy. You can also compare our Parish with other Parishes and the Local Authority.

Chart, sunburst chart</p>
<p>Description automatically generated


We can see from this screen shot taken from IMPACT what the four main areas of consumption for the Parish are.

Consumption of goods and services

Food and diet, this will include our consumption of meat and fish.

Travel, will include, private car, air travel and public transport.

Housing, is the energy we use, gas , electricity, oil and coal.

We can think about buying local, reducing consumption of meat and fish, how we travel and what we can do to reduce energy usage. Any actions taken will reduce our impact on the climate.

Please do go online and have a look and share your thoughts with the Council.